Give a Child the Chance to Learn about Christ's Love

Bring hope to children by supporting GFA World's child sponsorship program. For each $35 (U.S.) pledge, you will receive a picture and personal information of a child you can pray for and write to. These children are among the poorest and neediest of Asia and Africa—children who go hungry nearly every day. Change a life forever; sponsor a child.
Share the Book

GFA World will send you five free copies of No Longer a Slumdog so you can give away the book that has impacted thousands of hearts—including yours!
Your friends and family will be challenged to walk closer to Jesus, and you will have a huge part in inspiring others to help give hope to children in Asia and Africa.
myGFA | Personal Campaign Tool

(Currently myGFA is available in U.S. and Canada only)
Have some fun and motivate your friends, all while changing the world. You can start a campaign to raise funds for items needed on the mission field like Jesus Wells, women’s literacy, bicycles or even a water buffalo! There are many more items to give to as well. Be part of getting others to change lives in Asia with the love of Christ.
Check Out myGFA ►Become an Advocate

Host a child sponsorship event at your church, school or small group. By becoming an advocate you'll help give opportunities to even more children currently living in despair.
Learn More ►