
When Little Ones Pray: The Power of the Meek

When you teach a child that the God who loves them unconditionally answers prayer, miracles can happen. Sagan and his friends learned of the power of prayer from watching their GFA World-supported Bridge of Hope teachers. Soon they were praying for those in need, while watching God answer. See what happens when they hear of a young boy with a terminal condition in a neighboring village.

Sponsor a Child Today

Dying Without Hope

With no money for medical treatment and too far from a hospital, a young boy was plagued with a brain tumor that was pushing him towards death. All hope for recovery seemed lost. Little did his family know there was a GFA World-supported Bridge of Hope center in the next village over where the children were learning the power of prayer.

The Faith of Children

The children in the Bridge of Hope center had joined together and started a prayer group! Through this prayer group, the children were praying for people in their village, and those people were getting healed!

Prayer Defeats Death

After a little while, the staff of the Bridge of Hope center brought the children to the next village over to pray for the sick boy. Praying fervently, these children returned day after day and witnessed Jesus' healing touch on this dying boy. His brain tumor was gone!

Give Them a Reason to Pray

By supporting Bridge of Hope children, you are teaching them the power of prayer and giving them hope for a better life.

Give a Child the Chance to Experience Christ's Love

Bring hope to a child for $35 (U.S.) a month through GFA World's Bridge of Hope Program. These children are among the poorest and neediest of Asia—children who go hungry every day. Change a life forever; sponsor a child.